Showing posts with label Painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Painting. Show all posts

Saturday 23 May 2020

Miniatures Monday Goes Old School Saturday

I normally leave my mini posts until Mondays to show off the latest update on my Reaper Bones Painting Marathon progress. 

Well, I thought I'd spice it up and share a few of my other projects which have recently been completed (thanks to a spot of spring cleaning during lockdown).  Normal service will resume next week.

Vintage Citadel "Fiend Factory" Balrog - FF5 C31

An iconic miniature from the Fiend Factory range, this imposing winged demon has been one of those bucket list minis that I've been holding onto for some time.  Finally he has a paintjob worthy of the sculpt and this just makes me want to find more of these vintage "pre slotta" base Citadel minis to paint.

Citadel Fiend Factory Balrof FF5 C31
Citadel Fiend Factory Balrog (FF5 C31) - Buy your own
Thrud The Barbarian (LE12)

Readers of vintage White Dwarf will recognise this pin headed barbarian.  Created by illustrator Carl Critchlow he was White Dwarf's long running comic strip from issue #45 to issue #105.

An obvious pastiche of Conan the Barbarian, Thrud was entirely played for laughs and Carl has continued to draw him outside of the pages of White Dwarf in his own Thrud The Barbarian comic.

This is my Thrud's 3rd paintjob only possible due to the chunkiness of the detail (I never bothered to strip him of his previous paintjobs).  I am half tempted to track down the other 4 Special Edition Thrud miniatures Citadel have made over the years.

Citadel Thrud The Barbarian (LE12)
Citadel Thrud The Barbarian (LE12) - Buy your own

Monday 18 May 2020

Reaper Bones #17 - Some Personalities

The great thing about the Bones Kickstarter was the sheer variety of minis.  The first wave included monsters, sci-fi, modern, undead and of course quite a few player character minis.  This week we have three personalities who could quite easily represent PCs,NPCs or villains.

Autumn Bronzeleaf (Jeff Grace SKU: 77069)

I really like this sculpt and the first Jeff Grace creation I have painted.  The costume is interesting and the pose fierce but regal.  Nice work Jeff.

Reaper Bones Autumn Bronzeleaf

Damien, Hellborn Wizard (Derek Schubert SKU: 77149)

Okay so my mini got a bit of customization.  I needed a special character mini for a special D&D 5e campaign (only The Tomb of Annihilation).  My character was a bit special as well, Wizards of The Coast had just released the Magic The Gathering setting Ravnica for 5e and I opted to play a Vedalkan sucked into Faerûn by some magical contraption.  Vedalkan's don't have tails so Damien lost his and he got a blue paint job.  His Transformation into Kaori the Vedalkan Apprentice Wizard was complete.

Kaori died quite a few times along the way but fortunately was plucked from the clutches of the Soul Monger at the last minute, discovered interesting uses for Mold Earth, worked out that a Transmutation specialist is a bit useless if the dungeon has transmutation anti-magic zones and ultimately survived to reach 9th level.

Reaper Bones Damien, Hellborn Wizard

Ezren, Iconic Wizard (Todd Harris SKU: 89013)

One of the Pathfinder range, Ezren is a pretty cool looking warrior wizard who will just as soon smack you round the chops with his crooked staff than turn you into a toad.

Reaper Bones Ezran, Iconic Wizard

Bones Progress

Reaper Bones: 245 - Painted: 58

Related Posts

Friday 15 May 2020

Mega City One - Citizens on Parade

Thanks to Lockdown, I am currently going through a phase of creativity.  Mostly this involves catching up on a lot of long overdue painting projects.  

One such project has been my Mega City One citizens.

These minis were painted in two batches the best part of 2 years apart and come from the always affordable Ground Zero Games (GZG) Star Grunt range.  Specifically these were:

Unit 1: Colourful Crazies

These were painted almost two years ago, just in time for my Judge Dredd game using the Starblazer Adventures Rules, Tales from Mega City One.  They are just everyday citizens that have had enough of the dog eat mutie existence of Mega City One and have taken up their stub gun for one last hurrah.

Mega City One Citizens - Colourful Crazies
Colourful Crazies
Unit 2: Purple Punks

This was the first of the most recent batch where I began colour coordinating the figures.  This makes batch painting a lot easier and allows easy in-game gang association.  If its purple then they are members of the purple punks or the Paisley Park Citi-Def (see the Prince reference there?)

Mega City One Citizens - Purple Punks
Purple Punks
Unit 3: The Orange Crew

This unit are mostly wearing coveralls and caps and the high-viz orange makes them easily double for a work team from Resyk or some other municipal facility.  I have two easily distinguishable units to make running a small scale Block War that much easier.

Mega City One Citizens - The Orange Crew
Resyk workers or Block Warriors?  You decide.
Unit 4: The Yellow Jackets

Continuing with the colour coordination I went with a Yellow and Blue combo for the last unit.  This gives me another distinct and identifiable team of citizens (or IKEA workers) to pit against my player's Judges.

Mega City One Citizens - The Yellow Jackets
Yellow Jackets are fierce and tenacious defenders of flatpack swedish furniture
I fully intend to broaden my range of Mega City One citizens once I find some appropriate minis.  In the old thinking box I have dreams of Kleggs (and Klegg hounds), Fatties, Protesters, Street Punks, Droids, Apes...

I am not a number I am a free man!

If you are wondering what is going on with the bases, that is a secret weapon in target acquisition and wound attribution.  I could easily have painted numbers on the bases, but that's boring and so 1999.  I feel it's much more in keeping with the Urban Jungle theme to have road markings and slogans differentiating each figure.

The Prisoner Patrick McGooghan Number 6
You are number 6... No I'm not I'm Slurm!

Monday 11 May 2020

Reaper Bone #16 - An Orc Patrol

Several years ago I listed all the miniatures needed to fill out the Level 1 Wandering Monster Chart as per Appendix C of the Dungeon Masters Guide.

This was a few years before Reaper Miniatures launched their Bones range of affordable miniatures and whilst these are not classic pig faced orcs (pictured below) they are a very cheap.

Pig Faced Orcs from the book Fantasy Role Playing Games
Minifig Orcs in an Egyptian Temple (circa 1981)
from Fantasy Role Playing Games by J. Eric Holmes

Orc Marauder, Sword and Shield (Tre Manor SKU: 77042)

Orc Marauder, Sword and Shield (Tre Manor SKU: 77042)
Orc Sniper (Tre Manor SKU: 77056)

Orc Sniper (Tre Manor SKU: 77056)
Orc Stalker (Tre Manor SKU: 77051)

Orc Stalker (Tre Manor SKU: 77051)
Orc Beserker (Tre Manor SKU: 77059)

Orc Beserker (Tre Manor SKU: 77059)
Kavorgh, Orc Warboss (Bobby Jackson SKU: 77064)

Kavorgh, Orc Warboss (Bobby Jackson SKU: 77064)

Bones Progress

Reaper Bones: 245 - Painted: 55

Related Posts

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Life is about Discovering New Things

Today I discovered that there is a range of colourshifting metallic miniature paints called Turbo Dork!!

My particular favourites are:

Turbo Dork Afterburner
Turbo Dork Forest Flux
Forest Flux
Turbo Dork Ground is Lava
Ground is Lava
Turbo Dork Shell Shocked
Shell Shocked

If anyone wants to donate a pot for me to test please feel free to contact me via the comments below.

Monday 4 May 2020

Reaper Bones #15 - The Road Warrior - Mad Max

This week we hit the big 50 and to celebrate I share with you another classic miniature:

Rex, Dark Future Hero (Tim Prow SKU:80009)

This guy has been called many things over the years; The Road Warrior, The Bronze, The Dark One, a raggedy man, Captain Walker, a scavenger and even a blood bag.  Most of us just know him as Mad Max.

Armed with his trusty sawed-off double barrelled shotgun (and less trusty ammo) he cuts the perfect silhouette in the post apocalyptic wasteland.  In the kickstarter he was packed with the Chronoscope miniatures, but let's face it, he's a genre all to himself!

Reaper Bones Rex Dark Future Hero (Mad Max The Road Warrior)

Bones Progress

Reaper Bones: 245 - Painted: 50

Related Posts

Thursday 30 April 2020

Big Box Project - Part 3 - Happy belated Aliens Day!

Can you believe that it's 34 years since the release of the movie Aliens!!  Man I feel old.

The Bugs Won

Unfortunately due to the current lockdown all non-essential stores are closed which meant I couldn't purchase the black paintpen needed to complete my UD-4L Cheyenne Dropship noseart and I missed publishing this on #AlienDay.

However, it has come on leaps and bounds in the last few days and I am on the homestretch.

Cutting out the Stencil

This was a bear of a job and makes me yearn for a stencil cutting machine or a laser cutter.  Being a complete idiot I didn't think about printing the stencil on my 3D Printer.  Once this is over I will design one and put it on thingiverse and save everyone the tedium of hand cutting a stencil.

Airbrushing the Graphics

The original artwork is a bit flat and I wanted the elements to have a bit of a 3D feel to them.  Once each base coat was dry I shot the eagle with a lighter brown in the middle, then both text ribbons got a darker bottom shade of blue and red respectively and the beak got a light yellow highlight.  I did not highlight the boots, soles or the bullet casings as these were relatively small areas of colour and could not be masked easily.

Peeling off the masking

I asked one of my similarly aged work colleagues "What is the most fun you can have with a bottle of Copydex glue?".  I was not dissapointed when they responded with the answer "peeling it off your hand like it's rotting skin".  This was a a rite of passage in the 80s.

The act of peeling off the masking gave me the exact same satisfying feeling mixed with the rush you get when you open a mystery present or solve a really hard puzzle.  The results exceeded my expectations.

Bug Stomper unmasked


As I mentioned above the blacklining needed a thin black marker and all the shops are shut due to the lockdown, so this had to wait until I made an "essential" shopping trip a few days later.  I managed to get two sharpies a fine and ultra fine twin tip and a fine tip for just £2.  The process of lining was pretty simple and I'm sure you will agree it makes the world of difference.

Bug Stomper noseart blacklining

Panel Lines & Rivets

The piece de resistance in this artwork is of course adding the panel lines and rivets, after all this is supposed to be painted on the side of a USCMC Dropship.  I followed the excellent Youtube tutorial from Airbrush Asylum and I think it turned out okay.

Bug Stomper noseart panel lines and rivets


For those interested (probably not very many) I did put together a little montage of the stenciling part of this project.  Enjoy...

Monday 27 April 2020

Reaper Bones #14 - More Monsters

It's Monday Miniatures time again and here is the latest installment of the Reaper Bones Painting Marathon where we edge closer to 20% completion!

Ape-X, Super Villain (Jason Wiebe SKU:50031)

I'm fast becoming a fan of Jason Wiebe's sculpts and this steampunk cyborg homage to Gorilla Grodd is one of those odd but must have minis.  As you can see my airbrush work is getting a bit better by this time.  Shame we can't say the same for the photography.

Flesh Golem (James Van Schaik SKU:77169)

Another fantastic cross genre miniature which could easily double as Frankenstein's Monster or some other horrible experiment gone wrong in your Doctor Who, Victoriana or Steampunk game.

Reaper Bones Flesh Golem

Oxidation Beast (Kevin Williams SKU:77032)

An homage to the bane of every paladin the classic Rust Monster.  A surprisingly rare miniature to find at the time of this kickstarter so this went straight to the top of the pile despite its late entry on this list.

Reaper Bones Oxidation Beast

Stone Golem (James Van Schaik SKU:77171)

There's a pseudo Egyptian feel about this miniature (it's the skirt!!) and so I had to paint it in a bronzed gold colour rather than the defacto stone that it's name suggests.  I half expect Indiana Jones to be facing up to this mechanical monstrosity in a future adventure.

Virina, Female Demon (Werner Klocke SKU:77067)

Another classic miniature with so many uses in so many genres.

I always struggle with painting red, either it doesn't cover properly or my highlights go all orangey.  This one turned out pretty good but the disaster of a matte coat has made this an arms length type of paint job.

Bones Progress

Reaper Bones: 245 - Painted: 49

Related Posts

  • Reaper Bones #1: The Marathon Begins - Where I paint a dozen Giant Rats.

  • Reaper Bones #2: Kobolds, Are They Dogs or Dragons? - Where I paint a dozen kobolds.

  • Reaper Bones #3: A Carcase of Skeletons - Where I paint a half dozen skeletons.

  • Reaper Bones #4: A Shuffle of Zombies - Where I paint five zombies.

  • Reaper Bones #5: Introducing Shaina Coppervein, Dwarven Orc Hunter - First PC mini.

  • Reaper Bones #6: Mimic, Treasure Chest and How I re-base my Bones - Where I paint furniture.

  • Reaper Bones #7: Fire Elemental Meets Novelty Lamp - Where I hack a mini with LEDs.

  • Reaper Bones #8: Flaming Sphere LED Tealight Hack - Another mini LED lighting project.

  • Reaper Bones #9: Elliwyn Heatherlark, Gnome Bard - Another PC mini.

  • Reaper Bones #10: Horace "Action" Jackson - A Baddass disco dancing Motherfucker.

  • Reaper Bones #11: Pirate Captain Thorin Stoneheart - A Swashbuckling Philanthropist.

  • Reaper Bones #12: Monstrous Menagerie - Clay Golem, Eye Beast, Griffon, Owlbear, Marsh Troll
  • Reaper Bones #13: Giants - Male Storm Giant and Female Cloud Giant

  • Friday 24 April 2020

    Big Box Project - Part 2 - The Flap and Preparing to Stomp Bugs!

    Work on my Mobile Painting Workstation continues

    Installation of the Flap

    The bottom section of the box is pretty innacessible and therfore lends itself to long term storage of the compressor, rotary sander, hot glue gun and other larger items such as brush boxes and palettes.  I also wanted a second shelf so the obvious answer is to make a flap.

    Keeping the cost low, I used some sections of laminate flooring made from Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF).  This is good enough.

    A little pull tab cut from an old lanyard was glued to the bottom of the flap with some 5 minute epoxy.

    More Exterior Decor

    As I mentioned in Part 1, Aliens Day is just around the corner (April 26th) and I wanted to get the iconic Bug Stomper noseart added to the rear of the box.  I found a suitable graphic but I didn't like the black centre so I fired up GIMP and removed it.  This is now my stencil.

    Bug Stomper Noseart Stencil

    The paint scheme of the UD-4L Cheyenne Dropship is a predictable military green.  However, you can't get a tester pots of emulsion in military green so I went for the nearest I could get, Wilko's Jungle Green Emulsion.

    I didn't have a reference image to hand and this colour in hindsight is way too light but that can all be fixed later.

    This was liberally applied to the back of the box in two coats.  Coverage was surprisingly good.  When I painted the sides of the box with automotive paint there was some kind of chemical reaction and it didn't want to stick to certain parts of the box.  No problems with the emulsion and it went on quickly.

    Next job was to cut out the badge from the center of the paper giving me 2 masks.  One to paint the white circle backgound and one for the details inside the badge. 

    Careful measuring and marking in pencil will ensure that the outer mask is aligned so that the hole is directly in the centre of the box.  I used some Repositionable Mounting Spray to affix the mask and the newspaper but you could use a gluestick at a push.

    painted circle

     This is then liberally coated in white spray paint,

    Removing the mask and the newspaper leaves a neat white circle the exact same size as the badge.  Take more care than me when masking and you won't end up with annoying bits of overspray like me.  A quick touch up with some Jungle Green and all is well.

    The it's time to add the noseart circle.  Same drill, spray on the adhesive and align with the white circle.

    bug stomper stencil applied

    I'll be covering the hard part, cutting out all the different areas of colour, in the next gripping installment

    Tuesday 21 April 2020

    A Trick of the Light Part 2 - Lenticular Colour Shift Painting - Prismatic Wall

    I am a big fan of optical illusions so when I saw RedbeardBoss's Prismatic Wall, I knew I had to have a go.

    In the last episode we covered how I created the model, which is available for free at  If you like the model please consider leaving a like a comment or even a tip.

    The Painting

    Following RedBeardBoss's tutorial I primed the models in silver, just cheap automotive silver spray paint from my discount retailer of choice Poundland.

    Once the silver was dry it was time to fire up the airbrush and christen the Big Box Project Mobile Miniature Painting Workstation.  My chosen colour combos were:

      To achieve this lenticular effect we are going to spray the wall head-on starting from the small end (Green).  Keep the angle of the airbrush to no more than 30 degrees left or right as you pass down each side of the miniature.

      Painting the Prismatic Wall

      The paint will hit only two sides of each hex as you pass down the miniature. Once your first colour has dried change to your second colour (Red) and spray in the opposite direction on both sides.

      There will be a bit of overspray on your second colour which will help to blend the effect and the faces which run parallel to the long side will end up a combination of both your silver base coat and your two chosen colours.

      A quick base coat in black and your mini should look like the one in the video above.

      Monday 20 April 2020

      Reaper Bones #13 - Giants!!

      Probably the two biggest minis in the Bones 1 Vampire level core set are the Giants. 

      Male Storm Giant (Julie Guthrie SKU: 77163)

      Yephima, Female Cloud Giant (Patrick Keith SKU: 77162)

      These are some of my earliest attempts at airbrush painting and my lack of talent at this stage shows.  I struggled to get the right consistency of paint to avoid the dredded spiderwebbing.  I was also using a single action airbrush which is great for undercoating but lousy for anything else.  Seriously, if you are interested in airbrushing buy a double action brush.

      For some reason the matte varnish coat that I apply to all my minis never really hardened properly giving it a bit of a gloss sheen and I will probably add another coat in the future to see if it fixes it.

      Nothing but a repaint is going to fix those bloody eyes though!!

      Bones Progress

      Reaper Bones: 245 - Painted: 44

      Related Posts

      Sunday 19 April 2020

      The Big Box Project - A Mobile Miniature Painting Workstation

      Having gotten back into painting recently I have consequently developed a living space problem...

      My dining table has succumbed to The Law of Flat Surfaces and is covered in painting tools and half completed projects.  It has just frankly gotten out of hand. 

      I am a a firm believer in the reuse part of the recycling mantra, so when I found a wooden Carpenters Tool Box abandoned on the stairs of my apartment block a few months ago, I had to grab it.  I knew that when time became available it was going to be put to good use and become my mobile painting workstation.

      Carpenters Tool Box

      This is no vintage hand crafted thing of beauty.  It's a roughly made carcase of 1/2" (57mm) thick pine with the front and back skinned in thin plywood, the edges of which are splintered in places but the box is solid enough.  The front hinges down to create a sort of sloped shelf.

      The plan is to get the majority of my mini power tools and accessories installed into the box permanently.  I want to include a power strip and some form of worklight.  This is not an exhaustive list of what needs to go in their but it's a start:

      Power Tools

      • Rotary Sander (aka a nail file)
      • Air Compressor (& airbrushes)
      • Micro Drill
      • Anglepoise Worklamp


      • Paints - A mix of Vallejo / Scale75 / Army Painter dropper bottles and various GW / Tamiya / Daler Rowney pots and bottles.
      • Big Bottles - Airbrush thinners & cleaners
      • Paint Palettes - Wet and Dry Palettes
      • Water Cups - 2 water cups, one clean and one dirty
      • Glues - Superglue
      • Brushes - a good selection of miniature painting brushes.
      • Sandpaper - Sanding Sticks
      • Miscellaneous Tools - Pin vice, side cutters, needle nose pliers, tweezers, painting handles, coffee stirrers, clamps, sanding papers and sticks
      • Cutting Mat - I'd like this to fit one inside the lid.
      • Collapsible Spray Booth - I want this to double up as a spray booth so need to create a stowable cardboard spray shield  
      As you can see this is quite the project and fitting everything in the list above into the box would challenge even the best TARDIS designer.  Lockdown is the perfect opportunity for me to get this done. and I have already started to tackle some of the exterior panels.

      Big Painting Chest Work in Progress

      I'm going for that distressed WWII Warbird meets Cyberpunk aesthetic.  For the back I think I'll have to have a go at painting the "Bug Stomper" noseart from one of my favourite 80s films "Aliens".  I should have it done in time for Aliens Day on the 26th April 2020.

      Bug Stomper Aliens USCM Dropship Noseart

      Progress on the interior has begun with a shelf and a storage flap in the base.  The exact configuration of the interior is likely to be very moveable flexible as I learn what works and what doesn't.  For starters that shelf needs a lip because as soon as you lift it up, anything unsecured falls off the shelf.  Don't ask me how I know...

      Big Box Interior

      Monday 13 April 2020

      Reaper Bones #12 - A Monstrous Menagerie

      12 episodes in and we have only painted one big monster mini.  Let's fix that with this monstrous menagerie.  

      In alphabetical order we have the:

      Clay Golem (Ben Siens SKU: 77170)

      Muscles upon muscles upon muscles, this is such a great multipurpose mini.  Imagine your heroes surprise when the weakling they thought they were going head-to-head with transforms in to this Jekyl like man beast.  I thought it was too good a sculpt to give it a terracotta warrior treatment.

      Reaper Bones Clay Golem

      Eye Beast (Julie Guthrie SKU:77043)

      Reaper's homage to the quintessential Boss Monster that is the Beholder.  A two part mini which came preassembled.  Judicious use of miliputt was needed to hide the seam between the top and bottom sections of the head.  The addition of eye stalk tentacles at the bottom are a great way of incorporating a flying base and the abandoned sword is a neat touch.

      I've been a fan of Julie Guthrie's sculpts for years and loved this mini from the first moment I saw it.

      Reaper Bones Eyebeast

      Griffon (Jason Wiebe SKU:77156)

      Probably one of the best Griffon sculpts on the market and an essential creature for your wandering monster collection.

      Reaper Bones Griffon

      Marsh Troll (Jason Wiebe SKU: 77152)

      I love the addition of the spine plate reminiscent of some 1950s B Movie dinosaur.

      Reaper Bones Marsh Troll

       Owlbear (Jason Wiebe SKU: 77156)

      A bit of a contentious "more owl than bear" sculpt on this one and the one legged stance makes the mini droop towards the floor.

      Reaper Bones Owlbear

      Bones Progress

      Reaper Bones: 245 - Painted: 42

      Related Posts

    • Reaper Bones #1: The Marathon Begins - Where I paint a dozen Giant Rats.
    • Reaper Bones #2: Kobolds, Are They Dogs or Dragons? - Where I paint a dozen kobolds.
    • Reaper Bones #3: A Carcase of Skeletons - Where I paint a half dozen skeletons.
    • Reaper Bones #4: A Shuffle of Zombies - Where I paint five zombies.
    • Reaper Bones #5: Introducing Shaina Coppervein, Dwarven Orc Hunter - First PC mini.
    • Reaper Bones #6: Mimic, Treasure Chest and How I re-base my Bones - Where I paint furniture.
    • Reaper Bones #7: Fire Elemental Meets Novelty Lamp - Where I hack a mini with LEDs.
    • Reaper Bones #8: Flaming Sphere LED Tealight Hack - Another mini LED lighting project.
    • Reaper Bones #9: Elliwyn Heatherlark, Gnome Bard - Another PC mini.
    • Reaper Bones #10: Horace "Action" Jackson - A Baddass disco dancing Motherfucker.
    • Reaper Bones #11: Pirate Captain Thorin Stoneheart - A Swashbuckling Philanthropist.