Back in the day Ral Partha had a line of PC Minis which depicted your character at 3 stages of levelling up. This was a really neat, if a bit niche, concept and the full list of these minis can be found on the Lost Mini Wiki.
In today's world of bespoke 3D printed minis from
Hero Forge, this sounds incredibly antiquated, but remember kids, 40 years ago, there wasn't a thing called a 3D Printer unless you worked at Area 51!
01-331 Illusionist
He's a weird one. I guess you have to be weird to want to play an Illusionist as they are "all show and no go". Ral Partha captured that essence of weird perfectly in this mini with his stupid Fez, his stupid wand, the magic orb and his particularly stupid parachute pants.
Left to Right: Low, Mid and High Level Illusionist before repainting
I never liked the higher level version in this particular set and lord knows how I came to own it, I was probably thinking the low level character would make a good NPC mage in my Al-Qadim games. The other 2 just look plain ridiculous. As you can see stage one boy got a bit of a paint job courtesy of my step daughter when she was about 8 (many years ago). Sadly she never completed it and I don't think she'll be too upset if I repaint it.
These minis (and Ral Partha in general) don't command a particularly high price when you
search for 3 Stage minis on eBay. I'm not too gutted about repainting them and it's high time they got a refresh.
Primer and Zenithal Highlight
As with any mini I paint these days I prime in black and then a zenithal highight with white, both out of the rattlecan. I find that even if I am not airbrushing the mini a zenithal highight serves a great purpose of both pre-shading and helping me to delineate areas of colour.
3 Stage Illusionists Zenithal Highlighted
Glazing with the Wet Palette Technique
The wet palette is an often talked about next level painting technique which essentially is about using highly dilluted translucent layers of paint to gradually build up areas of colour and shading. The preshading from the zenithal highlight is your biggest friend as it has already laid down the areas of deepest shadow and your translucent glases simply add the colour.
Blocking out the colours with glazes
Finished Paintjob
Ral Partha 3 Stage Illusionists Final (front view)
I think I have captured theabsurdity of this particular set. The colour choices were intentionally very bold and ostentatious which only increases with level. I also wanted to capture the ageing process in his beard and eyebrows. I'm happy with this sow's ear to silk purse transformation.
I am concious that I have never shown the back of these minis so here you go.
Ral Partha 3 Stage Illusionists Final (back view) |
I could have spent much more time on these minis, but to be honest I got a bit bored with them. As I mentioned earlier, I am not in love with them, I painted them out of morbid curiosity and I never expect them to see any tabletime.
I might use the high level dude as some Grand Vizier in an Al-Qadim style game.