Article #8 in a
regular series where I offer up some ideas for character backgrounds by class. I aim to collect these ideas together for a future pdf publication.
What made your character decide to become a wizard? Why did they leave their home town? Did they leave family behind or are they looking for something? These are all questions players face when generating their characters, with the best will in the world it's tempting to rely on cliché.
4. The Collector's Curse - As a child, whenever you went missing you were always found in the inn at the feet of whoever was telling tales of Legend, Lore, Myth and Mystery. And so it went on until the boy became a man. Until on stormy winter's night a strange, sick old man came in from the rain and took up the place at the hearth. He coughed and spluttered his way through many tales and even when most of the villagers had long since left for their beds you begged another. The old man began to tell his own tale, when on a night much like this one a wizard cursed him to roam the lands gathering up tales for all to hear, and with one last wracking cough the old man died passing his curse onto you...
5. The Greatest Song - As a child you heard many wandering minstrel's pass through the village but none were as strange as one particular elf who passed through. He captivated everyone that day and a lot of coin was thrown into his hat. Of all the songs you heard before and since non were as sweet and enchanting as the one he played that day. As a budding amateur player you decided that you would hone your skills and track the elf down and get him to teach you the greatest song in the world...
2. Dreamquest - The Gods visited you in your dreams last night and led you on a journey to find a desolate volcanic island. As you followed through many different lands you faced many challenges, some tests of strength, some tests of endurance and some tests of the heart, you gathered around you seven heroes each with a special talent destined to help you in your final challenge. After many years of travelling you search for the Isle was over and you confronted the great beast who spoke your name and challenged you to mortal combat. The battle was fierce and long and one by one your comrades fell to the beast, your bravery undiminished you finally spotted a weakness in the beast's defences and struck. It was at this moment that you awoke, sweating. After several nights of dreaming the same dream and waking at the same crucial moment you consulted the village wise woman who told you that the dream was a sign from the gods that you would not have peace until you could slay the beast and fulfill your destiny...
3. New Official Religion - You take little notice of the political affairs of man, the rolling plains of your homeland bear the scars of countless Kings buried under their soil mounds and yet the forests encroach inexorably over them. However, this new King has brought a religion with him from across the seas, he has proclaimed it to be the official religion and will not tolerate the old ways. There's no alternative for you but to move on to a new home where you are free to dance naked in moonlight and talk to whatever animals you like be they chickens or men...
Field Marschall Kruger |
4. Holy Child - Although your memory of the event is hazy, your parents began treating you differently when you healed your brother's broken arm when you accidentally pushed him out of a tree. You said you were sorry and that you didn't mean it and like magic your brother's arm was mended. Word got out that you had this gift and suddenly people you didn't know started turning up at the family farm wanting you to make them better. Blind people, those with deformed limbs, even the occasional leper and they often gave your parents food or sometimes money. You didn't mind helping, you would probably have done it anyway, but your parents made sure that any chores you might have had to do were done by your brothers and sisters. Of course this didn't go down well with your brothers and sisters who hated you for being special and teased you mercilessly, but you never wished ill of them and always included them in your prayers each and every night. A few years later a priest visited the farm and he had a retinue of soldiers with him. You were examined by the priest and he watched as your father slashed his own wrist and you healed it closed. They talked in private for what seemed like hours and when they emerged your parents fighting back tears told you that you had to go with this priest and he would take care of you...
1. Penniless Prince - Being a Knight isn't cheap these days, there's the cost of feeding your horse and serf, armour repaired and polished, weapons sharpened, the list goes on. When the Prince asked you and your fellow Knights to bear with him during his latest cashflow crisis you made cut-backs and economies out of loyalty but after 3 months without pay you'd had enough and you paid off your serf and headed out on the road to find a new employer who would understand that your honourable profession requires respect of the silver and gold variety...
Because I screwed up in
Article #4 and both duplicated a background and only posted 4 instead of the usual 5, here are 2 extra ones to make up:
2. Tourney Pro - You abhor the idea of charging into a battle in your shiny armour to get it all scratched up not to mention the fact that you might die. Which is why you've spent the last few years travelling from one tournament to another to earn a living. You love the roar of the crowds the smell of the armour polish, the favours of a comely barons daughter or a serving wench when you're down on your luck. When times are tough you might even partake in a spot of goblin hunting, but never when the odds are against you...
1. National Service - Where you come from it is law that every first-born son enters the monastery and learns the fighting techniques that have been perfected by the countless generations that have gone before. The Empire needs people to defend it's borders from marauders and people to ensure that the public remain compliant and law abiding. Some do not survive the training to reach maturity, others do not master their chosen style, but you, and a handful of your class, have achieved mastery and will fulfill your destiny as servants of the empire wherever that may take you...