Monday 21 October 2024

Jessie's Prints - Episode 47 - Nimbus the Goliath

This week, I are mostly been printing... A Nimbus!!

A birthday print for my clubmate Paul.  Sculpted using the heroforge app and then downloaded as an STL

The Heroforge Design

Paul got very creative using the heroforge and came up with this design.  The challenge for me was to try to print and then paint him without turning him another famous grey haired blue skinned chap... Papa Smurf.

Nimbus - Heroforge vs Print

It is also refreshing to have a render to paint from, relieving me from the complex task of designing a colour scheme.

Words of advice from a 3D Printing perspective

Whilst I love that heroforge exists there is a temptation for the wannabe designer to cram every facet of the mini with detail.  From a printer's perspective this is a bad thing.  Everything is possible when you have a $20,000 Selective Laser Sintering machine and you are making minis out of exotic materials like metal or resin powder.

However, when you are commissioning a print for an SLA printer you really need to consider how the model is going to be printed.  Typically this is going to be at 45 degrees on it's back as no one wants to be dealing with support material all over a character's face.

If you have sheathed swords or capes try to keep them close to the body so that they are supported rather than dangling in free space.  Don't go for the Michael Jackson pose where his cape is streaming out behind him in the wind as this will cause your printer do pull their hair out as they try to find somewhere to support the mini.  

Large volumes of cloth streaming out from behind a mini also mean that they have what I like to call a high "snapping moment" this is where there is a lot of resin supported only by one small section.  One false move or indelicate pick up and "click" there goes your cape leaving you to pray to the Glue Gods that it can be stuck back on again.

Merged Accessories and Paper Dolls

The other main gripe I have with Heroforge is that it is easy to model things that blend into one another.  For example, in the case of our boy Nimbus, his cape sprouts out of his pauldron and it is very difficult to tell where one piece starts and another ends.  

A real sculptor would understand that it would sit over top or underneath, a human form of collision detection, and appropriate sculpting would take place to remedy the situation.  Sadly this does not happen with Heroforge and there is no priority system in the software which detects these edge collisions and does something about it.  

It is effectively the digital version of the vintage Paper Doll toy.

Saturday 19 October 2024

Jessie's Prints - Episode 46 - Looot Insert Boxes

This week, I are mostly been printing... Looot Boxes!!

I am lucky to have a bevvy of machines to do my bidding and enable me to print in both style, Fused Desposition Modelling (FDM) and Stereolithography (SLA).  FDM is the perfect choice for projects like these boardgame organiser boxes.

Looot Insert - Thing 6661983    

This was a commissioned print for my colleague Stephen who is a mad keen boardgamer.  I used some Geetech Silk filament one of the cheapest I could get from Ali Express and I was blown away by the smooth texture.  

Definitely something I will look out for in the future.

Looot Boardgame Insert Boxes


Friday 18 October 2024

OMG Another 5 Starblazer Comics

 Starblazer - Fantasy Fiction in Pictures

Yet more issues from my growing Starblazer collection

Starblazer #209 - The Ring of Gofannon

Starblazer #209 - The Ring of Gofannon - Through a nightmare of sorcery, Goll and his servant, Cutter follow the ancient maps of Gofannon in search of the legendary Ring.  Goll the warrior has to pit his fighting skills against all manner of unworldly creatures to merely survive and discover the truth.

Like every fantasy epic the ring of Gofannon is an archetypal quest to retrieve a magic ring and defeat a great evil descending upon the land.

Goll and Cutter must one by one overcome the trials and obstacles in their journey to find the legendary ring.  However, like every good Starblazer story there lies a twist in the tale, something unexpected which turns the story on its head.

The art for this story is great, simple when it needs to be and detailed when it needs to evoke a dense and rich background.  Very enjoyable and full of great one shot ideas for my own fantasy RPG stories. 

The cover art for this issue is a little bit uninspired.  However, this is what a fantasy story would look like if Sylvester Stallone was cast in the title role.

Starblazer #210 - Dragon Slayer

Starblazer #210 - Dragon Slayer - In a land overrun by evil, only one young boy had the courage and faith to seek out the warrior who could free the country from its sorcerous shadows - Dragon Slayer.., and he was 200 years old.

Another fantasy story, we must have hit the Conan the Barbarian vein in these recent issues.  The evil sorceror Drax has risen up and despite his magic waning he has enslaved the last of the Dragons Gorath to be his ultimate weapon and rule Pira IV unchallenged.

One brave villager and his son go against the wishes of the rest and vow to track down the legendary Dragonslayer who can free them from this cruel fate.  Sadly the villager is trapped by Drax and his son Bix must find the dragonslayer alone.

As ever we expect the Starblazer plot twist at the third act and this story doesn't dissapoint.  The final confrontation between Drax and the young lad Bix is a desperate but rewarding one.  The character of Bix is a shameless attempt at inserting the typical young reader into the story and it is very effective.  

Starblazer 210 - Dragonslayer - The Qerk!

I particularly liked the addition of the 6 legged scorpion tailed one eyed mini beholder creature which I will endeavour to write up a stat block for Savage Worlds and I will now forever call it a QERK!

Starblazer #211 - The Dream Machine

Starblazer #211 - The Dream Machine - Kayn's the name, and finding people is my game.  Actually, I'm a private investigator, but I spent most of my trime trying to find enough creds to pay the rent.  Then one day I got a request for help... from a guy who'd been dead five years!

Kayn is back in another mystery chase murder story.  Futuristic Moscow is such an off choice for a setting.  I guess it's so that you can get away with simple brutalist architecture and a unbendening robotic state aparatus.  

Needles to say our hero Kayn is completely oblivious to the machinations of the secretive villain in this story.  He learns everything piece by piece at the same time as you read every frame.

Definitely a comic of its time with a run of the mill Starblazer storyline which is not all bad but very average. 

Starblazer #212 - Rogue Cop
Starblazer #212 - Rogue Cop - Renko was a patrolman in a society diseased by corruption.  When this corruption touched him, he turned rogue to bring the offenders to justice.  But society doesn't like rogue cops and Renko was hounded to the edge of oblivion.

I was expecting a Robocop knock off but what I got was an interstellar crime wave and a man rescued from the brink of death by Space Brocolli!!

This is quite a fun little story, a classic tale of copy who goes rogue to bring down the big crime boss.  With no backup his luck runs out and he is stranded in the void with no hope so he decides to end it all by setting his ship to self destruct... as you do.

Saved by the benevolent space brocolli the Shreel, they turn him into a cyborg monster sending Renko into a depressive tailspin.  Howver, vengeance is a powerful emotion and Renko uses it to gain control of his new robotic body and take the fight to Hengis Furgaar to destroy his criminal emire once and for all.

Starblazer #213 - Skarr the Soldier
Starblazer #213 - Skarr The Soldier - Stranded in Samek, many thousands of miles from his home, Skarr, the soldier of fortune, had to fight for a foreign ruler and an alien cause - or be executed!

This is a fairly stock story of a man caught between two factions waging a war at all costs.  There is not much exposition only action and it really does seem like an exercise in getting as many wild character illustrations on a page as possible.

This a treat from the fine pen of  Enrique Alcatena with an epic cover from the legend Ian Kennedy.

The character art is wild from the weird almost Napoleonic uniforms of the Margolian army to the down right bizarre mix of kimono clad Tarcils and the mask wearing denizens of Hetamec.  

This is my first Skarr story and I am encouraged to find the others.  

Whilst the plot does not offer much for the Roleplayer or DM, the artwork is a smorgasbord of inspiration.

Essential Starblazer Links

The Starblazer Checklist is a fantastic resource if you are collecting or want to know who wrote and illustrated each issue.

Many thanks to the chaps who run the Starblazer Covers archive, this is immensely useful resource when looking at ebay joblot listings.

Retro Sanctuary has a great article covering his top 20 Starblazer Issues which is worth a look and I'm looking forward to reading and reviewing some of these classics in the very near future.


Thursday 17 October 2024

Mega City Block Upgrade - The Okey Dokey Chef

Once you start pimping out your Mega City One Block Storage Case it's hard to know when to stop...

The Okey Dokey Chef Animated Sign

I wanted my sign to be an advertising hoarding and one of the most famous signs in Mega City One is the Okey Dokey Chef as featured in the Supersurf 7 race story Midnight Surfer (progs 424-429).  I was also inspired by the famous Vegas Vic neon sign whose arm waving welcomed gamblers from all around the globe since 1951.

He wold make an excellent starting point to learn about how to control low voltage RC servos with Arduino.

The Chef

I found a nice piece of clipart online which had the vibe I was going for and imported this into GIMP for editing.  

I cut out the "Chef's Kiss" hand using the lasso tool and moved this over into  a seperate file.  This is going to be the sweeping hand which we will animate later using a servo.

I added a speech bubble with some appropriate text coming out of the side of the chef's head. 

Okey Dokey Chef Sign

Preparing for Tinkercad

I have learned that Tinkercad is a pretty simplistic modelling tool and it does not particular like creating complex curved or polygonal shapes.  The easiest way to solve this conundrum is to simply create a solid black mask version of your line drawn artwork.  This can be used as a background and because both shapes are exactly the same image size, they will register perfectly together when you import them into Tinkercad.

When I was happy with both files, I and exported them (and their solid black mask counterparts) as a PNG then converted into an SVG using  Each line drawn SVG is imported into Tinkercad for extrusion into a 3D object using the same technique I used to create my badges and Index Card RPG Card Back Stamps. I use an extrusion height of 30mm.

The black mask variant is then imported and the combined shapes exported as a single STL.  This gives me an STL file for the chef and a file for the arm which can be printed on the Anycubic Photon M5.


The Electronics

The core of this project is an Arduino nano.  These little boards are stupidly cheap and really easy to start your coding adventure.  Seriously, if an idiot like me can do it then anyone can.

The bit doing all of the moving is a 9g 5v 180 degree hobby servo which I bought in a twinpack from Ali Express for £1.79.

Okey Dokey Chef with servo hand
This was superglued across the gap between the Speech bubble and the chef's arm.

The Wiring and Code

I used the excellent How to Control Servo Motors tutorial on the makerguides website.  The servo has 3 wires Red (5v Power) goes to the 5v pin,  Brown (Ground) goes to the GND pin and the Yellow (Signal) goes to Pin 9.

The code example given is perfect for my purposes, but I did need to customise the start and end positions for the hand as it does not need to run the full 180 that the servo is capable of.  I also added a 500 millisecond delay at the end of each travel.


Servo myServo;  // Create a Servo object

void setup() {
  myServo.attach(9);  // Attach the servo to pin D9

void loop() {
  // Move from 30 to 135 degrees
  for (int pos = 30; pos <= 135; pos += 1) {
    myServo.write(pos);  // Tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
    delay(45);           // Wait 15 milliseconds for the servo to reach the position
  delay (500);
  // Move from 135 to 30 degrees
  for (int pos = 135; pos >= 30; pos -= 1) {
    myServo.write(pos);  // Tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
    delay(45);           // Wait 15 milliseconds for the servo to reach the position
   delay (500);


In my naievete I thought that the Arduino nano would be able to power this whole project.  However, the little servo apparently draws too much power to run continuously causing the nano to reset itself and creates some erattic animation.

I tried to mitigate this by adding increasing the dealy to 45 thereby slowing down the move, but sadly this was not enough.  It would have been nice to know all this from the start as an alternative board such as an ESP32.  

Anyway that is another story.  In the meantime check out the final result

Download the Files

I have also uploaded the Okey Dokey Sign STL files to Thingiverse if you should want to make your own version of this iconic comic book sign.

Okey Dokey Chef Sign with Supports

Let me know if you found this useful or if you have made your own animated signs for your own games

Saturday 21 September 2024

Boardgame Rescue: Waage Mut

One of the joys of being a boardgame collector is finding one of those long out of print games that only about 20 people admit to owning on BGG.

Waage Mut - Schmidt Spiele (1982)

I picked this up on one of my regular thrift shop trips for the princely sum of £2.  Clearly this was some sort of manual dexterity / balancing game which is usually enough to make me run for the hills, "I'm looking at you Bausack!!"

However, the cover photo featuring a five armed plastic balancing spider intrigued me so it came home.

Waage Mut by Schmidt Spiele

Google lens translates the box cover as - "LIBRA COURAGE - Anyone who doesn't weigh things up and bets wrong. blurs the victory".

An Incomplete Game

The risk of buying any game in a charity shop is that it comes with missing pieces.  For a common game such as cluedo or monopoly this presents no problem as the pieces are readily available.  However, the older and rarer a game gets the more difficult it becomes to acquire replacement parts.

This is where the 3D printer shines and so I quickly knocked up a replacement blue pawn in Sketchup

Waage Mut - Replacement Pawn

If you are missing a pawn you can download a free STL file from:

  1. Thingiverse - Thing 6773663
  2. Cults 3D - Waage Mut Replacement Pawn
  3. Printables - Waage Mut Replacement Pawn

Of course having the abilitle to churn out replacement pieces means it is a trivial exercise to print out a whole 5th player set of pawns.

The Rules (English Translation) 

Sadly the game does not come with rules in English and so Google Lens came to the rescue.  I will be giving this to me my German friend Jonas who can do a proper translation.


For 2 to 4 players ages 4 and up, fun for the whole family.
The weights must be cleverly distributed in order to achieve as many points as possible without the star. to cause it to tip over. Who doesn't weigh up and. If you put it wrong, you lose your victory.
The arms are attached to the center piece and the resulting star is inserted into the stand. Each arm has 6 holes marked 1 (center of star) to 6 (outermost edge).


Each player receives 6 weights of one color (if there are only 2 players, each player receives 12 weights).
A weight is alternately inserted into each hole. If the weight causes the star to tip over, it is removed from the game and may no longer be used.
Weights can also be "caught" by placing your own on them. This is an advantage, especially with weights with high points (in holes 5 or 6).
The game round ends when all players have set their weights. Each game consists of as many rounds as there are players, so that everyone has the advantage of placing the last weight.


Each weight is evaluated based on the score of the respective hole. If several weights are stuck in a hole (they have been “caught”), all points are added together and they are credited to the player with the highest weight. 
Whoever was able to collect the most points won.

More Photos

Waage Mut - Contents

Waage Mut - The Pawns
Waage Mut - Gameplay

A Potential Roleplaying Puzzle?

Imagine a scenario where each player enters a large chamber at a different arm of the balancing beam.  Looking down they see only darkness.  Their goal is on the center pedestal, they must combine their movement to ensure that the beam stays balanced and they can get to the center.
When they fall do they fall to their deaths or just disappear into the darkness?

To add some peril have some wandering creatures like spiders move onto each of the arms.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Courtisans - A Medieval Take on Happy Families

My work colleague Stephen (Tik Tok Games) returned from UK Games Expo with this exquisitely produced card game.  I loved it so much I immediately bought it.

Courtisans by Catchup Games (distributed by Hacehette)

A new arrival on the board game scene are Hachette Board Games UK a new division of the all dominating French publishing giant Hahcette.  They have collaborated with a number of smaller games designers to distribute their games just in time for Christmas.

One such title is Courtisans by Catchup Games, a simple card collecting in the style of Happy Families except that in addition to keeping and giving away cards you get to try to influence who is in or out of favour at the Queens banquet.

Courtisans by Catchup Games


High Production Quality  

As soon as you open the box your eye will be drawn to the tapestry play mat.  Something I've never seen in a game and it is so "on theme" I'm tempted to try something similar for my 2nd favourite card game Citadels.

The playing cards are similarly gorgeous.  It is not often that you see tarot sized cards in a boardgame and this again harks back to medieval times when this was the standard size for all cards.  Printed with a gold spot colour these are beautifully illustrated and the necessary symbols discrete yet clear.

Fast Game Play

The objective is simple, collect as many cards of families who are Esteemed, avoid collecting cards of families who are Fallen from Grace and play cards at the Queens table to influence who is Esteemed and who is Fallen from Grace.  Whichever side of the table has the most cards (Esteemed on top, Fallen below) determines which families in everyone's tableau score positive or negative points.

Every turn you keep a card, give one away to another player and add one to the table.  It is that simple.  However, there are four special card types (for each family) which if you draw them can be played and mix things up.  These are:

  • Assassin - denoted by the dagger symbol can be used to kill any card from any family whether they are played in your or another players tableau or at the queens table.

  • Guard - denoted by the shield, the guard cannot be killed by an assassin.

  • Noble  - denoted by the Crown X2 means that they are worth two points instead of one.

  • Spy - denoted by the mask symbol is played face down and only revealed at the end of the game.  They can count towards your positive or negative points or can add to the esteemed or fallen from grace scores at the queens table.

Finally a range of secret mission cards can tip the balance in the end game should you be able to satisfy the win condition.

In Conclusion

Courtesans is a great little 5 player game which is quick to play and can easily fill that dead time whilst you are waiting for players to turn up to your RPG game.  I personally love the intrigue element and there are lots of tactics you can deploy to try to seal your victory at a cost to other players.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Mystery Dice Goblin - 7pc D&D Dice Sets

"You can never have enough dice" and when Mystery Dice Goblin reached out and asked me to review their dice bags I jumped at the chance.

Retailing at a very reasonable £4.50 per set with free shipping these blind bags are an excellent choice for birthdays or to give as Xmas Gifts.  Lets open those sealed bags and see what we got.

Mystery Dice Goblin

Set 1 - Green / White Marble

This is a pretty solid starter set, although my particular preference is for solid or gem dice they certainly stand out in a crowded dice bag.  The consistency of the marbling is 50/50 as some dice seemed to get much more of the green juice on one side than others.  The choice of gold number ink is great on the heavy green sides but leans to illegibility in places just purely due to the randomness of the marbling.

Set 2 - Red Arcane 

This set appears to be slightly larger than the other two and they are quite pretty.  A good choice if you are playing a horror inspired RPG like Ravenloft or Call of Cthulhu.  The numbers are well positioned and sufficiently unobscured by the "runes" which feature on every side.

Gold and red are a classic combo and lead to highly legible dice.

Set 3 - Blue and Gold Sparkly Dice

Finally we get to my favourite set which are a blue gem style dice with yellow gold sparkles.  These pop right out of the box and I really like the "blackletter" style numbers inked in white.  Highly legible from every angle these will certainly get some table time in my next game.

Bonus Gift - D&D Enamel Mystery Pin - £5.50

Whilst the Mystery Goblin's are clearly cornering the market with blind bag random number generators, it's not their only offering.  They treated me to one of their enamel pins in the shape of the D&D Logo.

Mystery Dice Goblin Enamel Pin Dungeons & Dragons Accessory

Measuring 30mm across it is tastefully decorated in Red and Blank enamel.  The reverse has a single pin and clasp.  I am pleased to report that the clasp is high quality with some sort of ruberised inside and so it should not fall off easily.  Cheaper versions always seem to fail spectacularly so it's really good to see that some time and effort when into the choice of clasp here.

Even More Accessories Online

As I mentioned earlier, where Mystery Dice Goblin excels is in their wide range of gift sets perfect for every occasion and every gamer.  My particular favourite is the Party Box of Holding which if I were 40 years younger would have been the perfect Xmas gift from one of my aunt's.  

Chock full of dice, stickers, pins, item cards and a fresh character sheet, who wouldn't want one of those in your stocking.  Heck, I should start dropping hints now as Secret Santa is fast approaching approaching.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Judge Anderson 1/24th Scale Resin Kit

A recent haul from Aliexpress included this fantastic resin kit of Psi Judge Anderson for the princely sum of £8.46 including shipping

Psi Judge Anderson 1:24 scale Resin Kit

Meet the Parts

Another multipart kit depicting Judge Cassandra Anderson doing some psi stuff next to the grave of Sidney De'ath the most powerful of the Dark Judges.  No assembly instructions which is not  big deal as the kit goes together really easily.  However, I have no idea where Death's skeletal hand is supposed to be mounted.

Judge Anderson - Meet the Parts

This appears to be based on this Psi Judge Anderson STL on Maco 3D.  I should probably buy that as well and print it out on my new larger 3D Printer.  Although this is a great alternative if you don't have access to a 3D Printer. 


The parts were really clean and went together easily with no need to fill except for the join between the two halves of the base. 

Judge Anderson - Assembly


I wanted to go for a comic book colour scheme although the black uniform was going to need a little bit of thought.  After priming and zenithal I airbrushed on the green accents and added a dark wash.  

I think painting this assembled was a big mistake as it would have been so much easier painting individual parts with no risk of overspray.  

Judge Anderson - Painting Begins

I promise that the next model I build will be hot-glued together for the priming and zenithal stage and then disassembled before painting.  I also made the mistake of glueing in Judge Death's claw before glueing Anderson to the base.  This led to him losing one of his fingers... oh well.

The uniform was brush painted in some very thin coats of black and then dry brushed with a very dark blueblack mix to give it a volumetric effect.

Blocking in the Colours

The shoulder pads and badge were painted in a fiery orange with highlights in a yellow orange mix.  Orange and yellow are such lousy colours to paint and Iin hindsight I should have painted a white base coat to allow them to pop.  I chose to wash them in zealot yellow speedpaint which gave them a glossy look.  Don't panic... this will be fixed in the final step.

Judge Anderson - Nearly Done

Face and eyes were painted in my usual skin tone set, at this size it is pointless trying pinkle.

On the hair I tried a mousy blonde base and washed with zealot yellow and then progressively lighter highlights whihc kind of worked/

Black accents were added to the gun, belt pouches and gloves and she was done.

The magic final step is to airbrush a coat of artist matt varnish which removes all signs of glossiness.

Judge Anderson


Wednesday 14 August 2024

RIP Steve "Stig" Tasso

This week I learned that my old Hobbits Hole clubmate Stig had passed away after a long illness.

Stephen "Stig" Tasso

I had known stig for over 20 years and we were regular clubmates at an earlier incarnation of the Roleplaying Games club, Hobbits Hole, which I co-founded many years ago.

Steve Stig Tasso

We shared many Friday nights together and had many adventures over the years.  My fondest memories of Steve are always filled with his good natured humour and his boundless creativity.

As an early player in my Lands of Dual Castles & Crusades campaign, I will be forever grateful for his creative input and it is entirely thanks to him that my world has a fully explored species of lizard kin known as the Salamankari.

Stig always embraced the weird and outlandish game ideas I dreamed up and basically ran with it.  Being not that much older than myself we shared many similar interests in music and pop-culture including a love of the classic 1980s comic exploits of Judge Dredd and punk rock.

Steve was always a kind soul and I will miss his no nonsense approach to life.  Steve was definitively a "no fucks to give" type of guy.

Long may your star shine bright and I hope to see you again in the heavenly mosh pit.

Sunday 11 August 2024

The Masks of Nyarlathotep - Bunty Rothschild

At my regular friday club Dragons Keep UK we are 10 weeks into a year long Call of Cthulu and I have only just gotten round to printing and painting my character mini...

Bunty Rothschild - Heiress and Supernatural Investigator

Bunty Rothschild
Bunty's Story

Her early life in the Hamptons was idylic, being the daughter of the extended Rothschild family the world was her oyster as long as that meant marrying into one of the other rich families that Daddy knew.

Whe she was 16 she was packed off to Paris to study at the famous Sorbonne finishing schools.  However, far from the withering gaze of her father she developed a rebellious streak that even the legendary Madame Guillaume couldn't tame out of her.  

With the outbreak of war she and her American classmates were shipped back to the USA like refugees. Her father being far too busy with the business of supporting the war effort left her to live in the family's 5th Avenue apartment overlooking Central Park.

Of course Bunty was soon getting up to mischief and found herself fronting various high society illicit parties on behalf of the Italian Gandolfini Syndicate.  Her taste for risk and danger often saw her accompanying the boys on a rum run and her skills with the Chicago Typewriter made her invaluable to Don Luigi.

Unfortunately, her success came to an abrupt end when the syndicate fell under the beady eyes of Izzy and Moe, who operated the New York office of the famous untouchables.  She was lifted by the cops in a sting operation and only managed to avoid incarceration due the sworn testimony of her Uncle and New York State Supreme Court Judge.

Tired of his wayward daughter's antics, her father gabe her an ultimatum.  Either she married into one of the respectable wealthy society families or she got herself a job.

Whilst Bunty ruminated on the two equally unnatractive options facing her, fate had other plans.  A chance reading of the New York Tribune classifieds saw her embark on a steamship to Lima, Peru.  

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Unfrosted - The Story of the Pop Tart

Unfrosted has been on my watchlist for a few months and I have to say it did not disappoint.

The premise is simple, two warring cereal companies in a 1960s that never was battle to be the first to crack the enigma of the fruit filled pastry breakfast treat. 

Stand out cameos from Bill Burr as JFK, Christian Slater as Mike the Menacing Mafia Milkman and not forgetting Hugh Grant as the English Actor who portrays Tony the Tiger before becoming the QAnon Shaman.

Hugh Grant - Unfrosted

I swear that Hugh Grant is becoming funnier and funnier with age. 

The main cast are also great, each being fed a strong stream of oneliners and tight dialogue that shows off the writing talent of Jerry Seinfeld.

Check it out on Netflix it is honestly so much funnier than last year's Barbie

Thursday 11 July 2024

Time Bandits the TV Series

So Apple TV are going to do a Time Bandits TV Show...

This could suck in so many ways but I am hopeful that they don't stuff it up.

Gillian Anderson - Laser Engraved Coasters

My friend and Dragons Keep clubmate Kat is a Gilliam Anderson superfan.  This makes it incredibly easy to make super special custom gifts for her birthday.

Laser Engraved Gillian Anderson Coasters

On a recent Aliexpress buying spree I bought a pack of 72 plywood blanks for the princely sum of £7.20 so that's 10p each.  Measuring 73mm square and 2.3mm thick with rounded corners, they are a perfect size for a custom coaster project.  I decided to break the project up into a border and an image so I could take advantage of the speed of an .svg file for the outlines and the variable laser power that comes with a rasterized image.

The Border

This is my first really successful project designing something in Inkscape specifically for the laser engraver and LaserGRBL.  The border file was engraved at 20% power and 200mm/minute and each coaster took a little over 3 minutes to engrave.

The Pictures

I assembled a series of 6 images from the internet covering some of Gillian's most famous roles and prepared these in GIMP ensuring that they were scaled to exactly 63mm square.  Trial and error ensured that when I imported these images into LaserGRBL I had the necessary 6mm x/y offset to ensure that they were centered inside the engraved square.

These images were then imported as 1 bit Dithered B/W at 15 lines per mm and the engrave settings were 20% power at 500 mm/minute.  This meant each coaster took between 30 and 100 minutes depending on the amount of black space in the image.   

I could probably have engraved these much faster but I'm still learning how to engrave and I don't mind it taking a little longer rather than having to run multiple passes. 

Gillian Anderson - Laser Engraved Coasters

Gillian Anderson truly is a chameleon of an actress.

Bonus Cats

I also added a bonus portrait of each of Kat's two Cats, Bonnie and Clyde for good measure.  

Sunday 30 June 2024

My First Laser Cut Box and bases

Whilst it may seem to outsiders like I am just obsessed with laser cutting at the moment, I'm not.  There are other projects in the works but these are longer term and I am having a bit of a redesign of my makerspace in order to make the machines I have work seeamlessly together.

Chief of these was working out how to make my laser cutter actually cut and so I printed off a couple of Laser Focus Height Gauges from Thingiverse so that I could really fine tune my laser focus using the Ramp Method.

3D Printed Laser Cutter Height Guages

My First Laser Cut Box

I designed this on the free to use MakerCase website and it was a doddle.  Just plumb in the dimensions of your box, the thickness of the material and then move the sliders to determine the width and number of your finger joints.  Once you are happy the software will export an SVG file which you can edit further in inkscape or just drop into your cutter software of choice.

My First Laser Cut Box

The Maker Case software has lots of options including those cool curved corner boxes

Curved Corner Box Pattern

Miniature Bases

Whilst I was at it I drew up some simple miniature bases in inkscape and in 20 minutes I had a sizeable stack of collection ready to use for my minis.  This is a great use for hardboard or MDF offcuts and I can see that I will be making a lot of custom wooden pases in the future for my many modelling projects.

Laser Cut Wooden Bases for Miniatures

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Godzilla Minus One - Is this the Greatest Godzilla Movie Ever?

Finally got round to seeing this and OMG I loved it!

Godzilla Minus One

I remember seeing a short CGI clip, many moons ago, of Godzilla rampaging through a 1940s Tokyo complete with a flying tram and I was blown away. 

Godzilla Minus One is so much more.

Monday 27 May 2024

Boardgame Badge Burn Ballsup

My friend Stephen (Table Tok Games) is making the pilgrimage to UK Games Expo in Birmingham this year and will be running demos of some of the upcoming releases from Hachette Boardgames

He asked me if I could make some badges for the event. I thought that this would be a great way to learn how to use my new Laser Cutter Engraver.

Stephen created a design in two parts, an etch file with his meeple logo and a cut file with a series of 30mm circles which would be the badge.  Registration marks in two opposite corners made sure that Illustrator would not trim the images to just the internal drawing.


I am currently using LaserGRBL which has support for SVG from inkscape but this is an experimental feature so the files were exported as PNG.

The Cut File 

The cut file was uploaded into LaserGRBL and I used the centreline option to vectorize a cut path.  This was slightly problematic in that the on the very top and bottom row of circles the line hit the edge of the page and vectorizing broke the cut path.  

Pardon the pun, but there is definitely a learning curve when creating files for the laser cutter.  The next attempt will have some whitespace between the design and the registration marks.

I imported this at 120mm/min and a laser power of 95%

The Etch file

Importing the etch file I opted to go for the Line to Line Tracing option at a speed of 500mm/min and a laser power of 95%

The Material

I had some scrap MDF sheet left over from some DIY project.  This measured 2.8mm thick and I mounted it on my workspace with Duck Double Sided Tape (Boy this stuff is sticky) 

Laser Engraving

I was reasonably pleased with the engraving which took just over 20 minutes with one pass.  I initially tried 1000mm/min but the laser threw an error about two thirds of the way through and it would not recommence.  I think that it must have run into a buffer problem or the speed was too high.  I have not done any testing on speeds as yet so this may be part of my learning curve. 

Laser Cut Badges Fail

The only downside with the Line to Line Trace option is that it prints like a conventional printer and you get jaggy curves (there's no anti-aliasing as far as I can tell)

Laser Cutting

This is where I fall down, hard.  With any new technology or tool you just have to learn what works and what doesn't.  I have no idea if I am using the software correctly, if my laser is focused correctly, how many passes I should be making, should I be using Air Assist, if my material is at fault or even if I am expecting too much.  There are so many variables.

After 4 passes and 160 minutes of cutting I gave up in frustration.

Resin 3D Printer to the Rescue 

This job still needed to be completed as delivery is scheduled for the following day.  45 minutes later these bad boys came off the Photon Mono 4K.

Table Tok Games Badges

Sunday 19 May 2024

Roleplay-Geek Gets a New Robot

Well payday came and went and not long after a new tool arrived in my workshop.

A Cheap Laser Cutter / Engraver

There are just some jobs when you need a tool like this (or have lots of skill and patience).  That one job was making a custom enclosure for a secret project I have yet to reveal out of acrylic sheet.  

I'm reasonably handy, but when it comes to transparent sheet materials, you have to be super careful otherwise you will end up scratching or gouging the delicate finish.

I bought this one off ebay and it needed to be able to do a few things

  • Cut A4 sheets - my stock is A4 (210 x 297 mm) so having a largish envelope was key.
  • Cut Plexiglass - a little bit of research showed that a 5W Laser should be capable of this

The one I ended up buying from eBay was the:

5.5W Actual Output Laser Engraver Machine For DIY Engraving Cutting 40x40cm   

New Hobby Tool - Laser Cutter


This was my first experience assembling Aluminium extrusion and frankly I am gobsmacked at the ingenuity of this stuff.  It seriously is the Lego of mechanical engineering.  The instructions were pretty clear although they could have done with a bit better photos showing the orientation of the relevant parts.  

As long as you are pretty good with IKEA furniture this will be a relatively stress-free exercise and the total build time was less than one hour.

My only issue came with the routing of the cables and the complete lack of instructions regarding zip ties and cable management.  They have pretty much thought of everything though and as long as you follow the labels on each connector it is pretty logical where everything goes.  After all, we aren't wiring a 1974 RA 21 Toyota Celica with a 2005 2UZ V8 from a Tundra (Seriously if you aren't watching Sarah-n-Tuned what are you doing with your life). 

Software Installation

The nice eBay seller sent me a message with a QR code for the software download.  Installation was a breeze and after a little bit of reading of the help pages I was connected and ready to go.

Lots of Problems

I ran the cutter power test which seemed to go okay although there was a lot of burning around the edges.  After loading up a picture, I went through the basic interface and set the printer going.  Immediately I had an alarm and couldn't work out what had stopped the printer.  

After another set of tries and different images and more alarms I gave up.

2 Weeks Later...

Sometimes it is better to sleep on a thing and after 2 weeks of sleeping on it I summed up the courage to have another go.  

The first thing I wanted to do was build a baseboard to keep the cutter square and in place on my workbench.  This was quickly fashioned from a piece of white laminate hardboard.  I made little cutouts for the 4 printer feet to lock into.  

Laser Cutter Baseboard

I then homed the cutter and using the "flash" button I marked the home position I then manually moved the head to the furthest X position and flashed the laser again marking this position.  Homing the printer made all sorts of noise, I guess that it doesn't like its stepper motors being back driven but unlike my 3D Printer there is no option to disable the steppers.  

I decided to use the Jog feature to send the head North along the Y axis but after about 5 or 6 Jogs it threw another alarm.  I flashed the laser and marked this point.  Connecting all the dots gave me a rudimentary XY scale and origin point about which I can set some guides snd be a little bit more confident in where my images are going to appear.

X Y Offset

It seemed like when the image uploaded into the cutter workspace it was centered on the origin and the first thing the cutter wanted to do was travel West and South beyong the cutter's Home position.

Eventually I discovered that in the import / resize dialogue there are some offset commands.  These were bizarrely set to -43 in both axis.  Resetting these to +20 in each axis and hey presto my laser moved and burned my first image... Tony Stark!

Tony Stark Iron Man

Next Projects

I really want to be able to quickly locate stock at the origin and be able to judge the offset when importing my art, so making an L-shaped scale is high on the agenda.

I also want to create a detachable shelf for the workbench as this particular model requires a laptop to be connected at all times. amd I just dont have anywhere nice to put the laptop at the moment.

Watch this space.

Friday 10 May 2024

Jessie's Prints - Episode 45 - Nonagon Infinity open the door!!

This week, I are mostly been printing... A Compact Travel Dice Tower!!

If you know me in meatspace then you know I am a big fan of the Australian progressive microtonal rock band King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.

Here's a Nonagon Infinity Inspiration Coin for infinite inspiration when fighting the Petrodraconic Apocalypse

Nonagon Infinity Inspiration Coin - Thingiverse thing: 6608846

Designed for use with my Compact Travel Dice Tower you can make this magnetically attach to the tower so you are never seperated from the ultimate inspiration coin.

Nonagon Infinite Inspiration Coin

I also modelled a new slide for my Compact Travel Dice Tower with a nonagon cutout.

Nonagon Infinity Compact Travel Dice Tower

Nonagon Infinity Compact Travel Dice Tower

Nonagon Infinity Compact Travel Dice Tower

OK, Robot Stop!

Friday 3 May 2024

Jessie's Prints - Episode 44 - Keeper of Secrets

This week, I are mostly been printing... A Giant Keeper of Secrets!!

Well this is another commissioned print by me and an amazing paintjob from Sam, my fellow founder at Dragons Keep Roleplay Club.  I'll let the pictures do the talking but suffice to say that a few short years ago all of this was impossible...

Daemon Damzels Queen Lillith the Keeper of Secrets - Keta Minies

Daemon Damzels - The Queen Lilith

Daemon Damzels - The Queen Lilith - Back

Daemon Damzels - The Queen Lilith - Optional Bird

Daemon Damzels - The Queen Lilith - Optional Spear