Last week I blogged about my love of one particular long dead game from the 80s, Justifiers RPG.
I have subsequently unearthed some of the custom miniatures I made for each of the player characters.
Justifiers was already dead when I acquired my copy and it was never a big game to begin with. There were never any officially licensed miniatures and back in those days sci-fi minis were very much dominated by the Grim Dark 40K style. There was a very small cottage industry of gaming miniature makers like Denizen but they were focusing on anime and movie properties. There was nothing I could do but make my own.
Custom Justifiers PC Minis (LtoR: Fox, Rhino, Gazelle, Bat and Owl) |
I wanted the characters to be wearing their company issue vacc suits, so I turned to the nearest simalcrum 1/72nd scale flight crew. Specifically I chose the the Italieri #1246 Nato Pilots and Ground Crews box set which you can still get today from Amazon
A bit of
Milliput sculpting later and I had added the necessary ears, horns, wings, snouts and other animal features to turn these into the required Fox, Rhino, Gazelle, Bat and Owl miniatures to match my players characters.
Needless to say these went down a storm and the other miniatures from the set were given a liberal black undercoat and left to represent NPCs. The game plot was essentially an escape from a rival corporate spaceyard, so I bought a box of
Russian Infantry to be the enemy force. I have a feeling they were also by Italieri or Airfix.
Being plastic these are too lightweight to be left unbased and I chose the extravagant option of mounting them to 5p pieces (1p pieces were too large).
The moral of this tale is that you can still give your long dead games some table time with a bit of imagination and a few plastic soldiers.
If you want to relive the 80s and play the Justifiers RPG you can
buy the watermarked PDF from DrivethruRPG.