Thursday 21 July 2011 Leonard of Quirm

Although it has been pretty quiet for blogging here at roleplay-geek HQ, I'm very busy; running my C&C campaign The Lands of Dual with my regular friday group; designing and building a foamcard pirate galleon; designing a new "Deluxe PDF" approach to Item Cards which will debut soon with the release of RGP004 - Armour and Shields and preparing a Star Blazer Adventures one nighter as a birthday treat for my buddy Paul Stebles, to name just a few.  I'm also working on v5.0 of my post apocalyptic car combat game which I hope to be able to release as a Print 'n' Play PDF in the very near future.
I'm beginning to feel a bit like Leonard of Quirm, too many projects and not enough time to finish them...

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Legendary Locations: Mud Maid of The Lost Gardens of Helligan

A very evocative image of a sleeping giantess which inhabits a glade at The Lost Gardens of Helligan in St Austell, Cornwall, England.  This beautiful image was taken by flickr photographer Colin Boylett.

The Mud Maid

Sunday 29 May 2011

COMPETITION: RGP Products - Tell me what you think and win a Decision Deck

I'd love to say that the life of a fledgling publisher is all good, but to tell you the truth I have no frame of reference.  Put simply I have sales (woot) but no reviews (sigh).  I have no idea what my customers think of my PDFs, how I could improve them, are they useful to you, is there anything missing that you'd expect? 

I need some user feedback.

So, If you've bought any of the first 3 sets of Item Cards; RGP001 - Adventurer's Gear, RGP002 - Potions or RGP003 - Animals or RGP004 Paper Minis Set 1: Animals please feel free to let me know what you think using the comments box below. 

As an incentive I'll send each one of you a complimentary copy of my new GM Aids Decision Deck courtesy of RPG Now/Drive Thru RPG.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Dice or Cards? Choose your weapon!!

My regular gaming group (Hello Dualers!) have had the opportunity to sample my products in the early stages of development and this Friday was no different as I used them for playtesting my Decision Deck.

What's a Decision Deck? you say, well it's a pack of cards which I use instead of rolling dice.  Each card has a dice roll value corresponding to the size of dice be it a coin toss or D3 to D30.  In the production version I've added a number of other random metrics including Critical Hit, Fumble, Poker Hands and Dice Hands.  It means I don't have to look for the appropriate dice anymore or have to consult a random result chart.

I know some players object to using cards instead of dice themselves but I gotta say as a GM I really felt they worked for me.  I had my numbers ready at the turn of a card and the combat ran smoother and quicker than with dice.

What are your thoughts on the legitimacy of GMs using anything other than dice?

Tuesday 24 May 2011

MOVIEWATCH: Limitless (15)

Little clip here from the movie Limitless starring Bradley Cooper (of The Hangover and The A-Team fame) which somehow managed to slip under the radar here at Rolplay-Geek HQ...


Watching this movie was as much a revelation, for me, in how you make a superb superhero movie as was, Akira to animation or Blade Runner to near future Sci-Fi.

If you haven't seen this movie, put it at the top of your list (or at least above Green Lantern) you will not be dissapointed.  Unfortunately I can't tell you anything about the plot in the sameway as you don't talk about Fight Club... it spoils the punchline.

Bob DeNiro is of course playing Bob DeNiro again, but there are shades of Travis Bickle in there which overshadow even Bradley Cooper's utterly believable performance as Eddie Morra, both as struggling writer and limitless hero.