As you are by now aware I have started a little publishing venture, and proof reading has kept me away from blogging. Today, was the first time I have had to publish an errata notice and this got me thinking.
I don't know of any other publishing genre which has so many errata which slip through the net. Fiction certainly doesn't, magazines and newspapers print retractions, but that's a content matter and not typos or other cockups. Do we the buyers seem to accept these errata more readily because we see ourselves as RPG fans first and consumers second? Do we appreciate the publisher's hard work that goes into even the smallest $1 PDF download, rather than wail on their poor proofreading skills? I'd like to think we're a better kind of people and we know how much love goes into the games we buy.
BTW if you've bought RGP001 - ITEM CARDS Set 1: Adventurer's Gear the errata have been corrected and you can download them in the FREE Item Card Sampler.
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa...